Friday, February 25, 2011

Going Green - and pink, and blue, and yellow...

Recently I've been inspired to switch to cloth diapers.  I cannot really say one thing in particular led me in this direction, but a number of things, such as: conversations with a couple of my friends who use them or plan on using them, the occasional comment from my husband about considering the cloth, a conversation with my mother-in-law on environment & our impact - all got me questioning why I am not doing what I can to reduce waste.  So I made the decision.  I was going to switch to cloth.  Better for the environment, cheaper in the long run (I think) & better for my baby.  I got quite excited about the whole situation but could not fathom why, as I knew this was going to be more laundry, stinkier situations & a bit of an adjustment.  Only the other day did it dawn on me that I will be setting an example for my little girl as she grows up, & this, to me, feels like a good start.   

Upon initial research efforts, I was overwhelmed.  So much information out there & how to know what is valid, who is right, & what will work best for me.  After exhausting myself on forums, websites, emails & such, I finally chose 3 companies to start with, companies that seemed to have goof reviews but sold their diapers for less than half the price of the 'big brands' do.  I realize the potential hazard of this situation, but am counting on the reviews I have read & going with it.  Not much a risk-taker myself, this is about the greatest extent of a chance I will take (for some reason purchasing used diapers from people I do not know scares me so & I cannot make decisions on impulse, so I decided to bypass this option).

When I finally chose a couple companies to order from (all Canadian, which makes me feel warm & fuzzy inside) I started to have a bit of fun.  I got to pick different colors, materials & patterns.  And the thought of receiving snail mail thrilled me (I conveniently placed my orders on 3 consecutive days & as a result received packages 3 days in a row, what a week!) I've developed a distaste for the overwhelmingness of technology lately which I am pretty sure amplified this feeling...but that is a rant for another blog at another time.

Once they all arrived I dumped them into the wash & followed what I thought were the right instructions...later to read (on the Internet of course) that some cloth diapers are not supposed to be washed together & need to washed several times to strip the oils & ensure they repel efficiently.  Then read that this doesn't apply for all diapers.  I am quite confused.

So yesterday I decided to make the plunge & started dressing my baby in these soft, colorful diapers, expecting all would go well.  After putting the pretty diaper on her, it appeared that she would be going up a size in clothes as long as she is wearing these, as they are quite a bit bulkier than the disposables.  The first one leaked (number one) through all the fabric (in the diapers defence - my way of convincing myself that I did not spend $200 on crappy diapers - I probably should have changed her earlier) the second leaked (number two) out of a number of corners (in the diapers defence, this was quite an explosive event) & Scarlett resorted back to disposables for the rest of the night out of respect to Scarlett's tush & my in-laws who were baby-sitting for a couple hours.  Not quite ready to get rid of the disposables (& will probably keep them for emergencies, travel & stuff) but I am determined to get this right.  Today is a new (hopefully leak-free) day.  In the event of any leaks maybe I can pray to the cloth Gods for a little help?
Leakage or no leakage, Scarlett seems sold on the cloth.


  1. we are a cloth diaper family and disposables. We cloth diapered baby 1 for about 7 months, baby 2 is still going strong at 13 months as i feel much more confident now.

    We use disposables at night as our girl is a great sleeper and for sitters or going out and about for long periods of time.

    Let me know how it goes!

  2. Days 2 & 3 were much more successful, no leakage & a much more confident mom! I could get used to this.
