Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Top Tens

Top Ten Perks of Being the Baby Incubator:
10: An excuse to write a blog that people actually want to read.
9:  Relating to other women in a way that I have not done before (after the whole experience I am sure I will have an even bigger appreciation for other moms, especially my own).
8:  Lots of hardly-used-hand-me-down maternity clothes.
7:  An excuse to nap every day.
6:  An excuse to redecorate (apparently I like excuses).
5:  People will go out of their way to accomodate you (although I am typically a do-it-yourself kind of    person, I must admit there comes a time when you really appreciate this).
4:  Foot rubs.
3:  Emotional stability - believe it or not, my hormones seem to have done the opposite of what they say when it comes to mood swings, etc.
2:  Sharing this time with a loving husband - we've never been happier!
1:  Watching & feeling the baby move around inside.
Top Ten Things I am Most Looking Forward To (after the baby comes):
10: A break from the workload.
9:  Taking & sharing pictures of my new baby (does that contradict the previous item?).
8:  Getting back in shape - I miss exercise.
7:  Ibuprofen (Tylenol never worked for me).
6:  Visiting & sharing with friends & family.
5:  Putting my ribs back where they belong, ow.
4:  No more heartburn, no more heartburn!
3:  Spending time with my wonderful hubby - as much as I can complain, he's been extra nice lately :)
2:  Showing off Wonder Baby (it's true, I am a show off).
1:  Meeting Wonder Baby in person.
Top Ten Complaints (I had to add this):
10: The challenge of tieing my own shoes.
9:  Clumsiness. 
8:  Baby Brain.
7:  Digestive system (I'll spare the details).
6:  Nausea (thank goodness it only lasted 3-4 months).
5: Utter exhaustion.
4:  Food sensitivities.
3:  Sore Ribs.
2:  Less sleep.
1:  Heartburn.
Top Ten Wonders:
10: How will Willow (Wonder Dog) react to dropping in the ranks to a new family member?
9:  Do we have everything we need for the first week or so?
8:  How long before I send Rodd back to work?
7:  How big will Wonder Baby be (more concerning, how big will his/her head be?)
6:  Will Wonder Baby be an easy baby?
5:  How labour will go for me?
4:  Who/what Wonder Baby will look like?
3:  Wonder Baby's gender.
2:  Will Wonder Baby be healthy?
1:  When will Wonder Baby decide to join the rest of us?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess! Can't wait to meet your baby..only a few more days to go (or less). :-) Hang in there.
